It’s Called What?
Asphalt Seal Coating is the proper terminology, but many refer to residential or commercial sealing or resealing of asphalt in other terms such as, parking lot blacktop reseal / re-seal, sealant, asphalt paint finish, driveway asphalt retar / re-tar / retarring / re-tarring, new tar coat, asphalt covering on driveway, blacktop resurface, repave / repaving / re-pave, black asphalt topcoat / topcoating / top coating / driveway asphalt topping, surface repair / repairing, or even just; the new black, pretty, shiny surface, asphalt driveway / parking lot resurfacing / repairing.
What is Sealcoat?
Sealcoat is a liquid comprised of a coal tar emulsion mixed with sand, performance additives, a quick-dry component, and water. It is applied directly to the asphalt to protect, enhance, and extend the life of pavement.
Why Sealcoat?
Whether you are looking to increase the property value and appeal of your home, or maintain a professional image for your business; Sealcoating is an easy, inexpensive way to maintain your property. It helps to protect asphalt from a variety of damaging environmental factors such as:
UV Radiation: breaks down the asphalt and causes the pavement to oxidize. This will give the pavement a gray appearance. When the surface is gray, that is an indication that the asphalt is hard and brittle. This leads to a loss of surface flexibility, which will eventually cause cracking. While cracking is inevitable in our climate, regularly applying sealcoat will significantly reduce the damage caused by sun exposure.
Oil and gasoline: soften and break down asphalt. Using a professional grade sealcoat that has been fortified with performance additives will reduce damage by allowing the pavement to resist absorbing potential leaks.
When to Sealcoat?
We recommend the first coat of sealant to be applied 6-8 weeks after the initial installation. As asphalt is a very porous material, sealant should be applied every year for the first 3 years. Generally, pavement should be seal coated every 1-3 years to properly maintain the asphalt’s surface, however, this will vary due to traffic, weather conditions, and property owners’ preferences.